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匹配条件: “Bitjoka Laurent” ,找到相关结果约5779条。
Model for Anticipating Failures by Omission in Calculation Grids  [PDF]
Ramadane Adamou Yougouda, Marcellin Nkenlifack, Vivient Corneille Kamla, Laurent Bitjoka
Open Journal of Optimization (OJOp) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/ojop.2021.103006
Abstract: Computer grids are infrastructures in which heterogeneous and distributed resources offer very high computing or storage performance. If they offer extreme computing performance, they are also subject to the appearance of many failures related to this type of architecture. While performing tasks, if the response time of a node in the system incomprehensibly exceeds the requirements of the specifications, the node experiences an omission failure. The task running in the failed node will be unavailable until the node resumes normal activity. Waiting not being a possible solution, many fault tolerance methods have been proposed. Despite this large number of fault tolerance methods on offer, computer grids are still prone to many failures by omission. In this work, a numerical study of the failures by omission which occur in the calculation grids during the execution of the tasks was carried out and a model allowing anticipating its failures was proposed with the formalism PDEVS (Parallel Discret EVent system Specification).
Improved Bearing Fault Diagnosis by Feature Extraction Based on GLCM, Fusion of Selection Methods, and Multiclass-Na?ve Bayes Classification  [PDF]
Mireille Pouyap, Laurent Bitjoka, Etienne Mfoumou, Denis Toko
Journal of Signal and Information Processing (JSIP) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/jsip.2021.124004
Abstract: The presence of bearing faults reduces the efficiency of rotating machines and thus increases energy consumption or even the total stoppage of the machine. It becomes essential to correctly diagnose the fault caused by the bearing. Hence the importance of determining an effective features extraction method that best describes the fault. The vision of this paper is to merge the features selection methods in order to define the most relevant featuresin the texture of the vibration signal images. In this study, the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) in texture analysis is applied on the vibration signal represented in images. Features selection based on the merge of PCA (Principal component Analysis) method and SFE (Sequential Features Extraction) method is done to obtain the most relevant features. The multiclass-Na?ve Bayesclassifier is used to test the proposed approach. The success rate of this classification is 98.27%. The relevant features obtained give promising results and are more efficient than the methods observed in the literature.
Measurement of the moisture content of the granulated sugar by infrared transphotometry
Bitjoka Laurent, T Jean–Bosco, LD Gabriel
African Journal of Biotechnology , 2007,
Abstract: The moisture content of granulated sugar is a critical parameter for its transformation into cubes. To the best of our knowledge there is no easy-to-use method for the determination of this parameter. To resolve this, a new method using infrared transphotometry technique based on the attenuation of an infrared radiation through a sample of sugar, was developed and tested in our laboratory. Using linear regression analysis it was observed that the transphotometer response varies linearly (r2 > 0.996) with the moisture content of sugar. The results obtained by this new method compares very well (ANOVA, p=5%) with other known classical, but laborious and expensive methods of moisture determination.
Emulsion Stability and Vegetable Oil Identification and Adulteration
Tchatchueng Jean Bosco,Bitjoka Laurent,Catherine Porte
American Journal of Food Technology , 2012,
Abstract: The emulsion stability of nitromethane/vegetable oil is use for the rapid identification and quality control of vegetable oils. Using a volume ratio of nitromethane to vegetable oil of 3:7, the emulsion stability of nitromethane/vegetable oil increases in the following order: nitromethane/palm oil, nitromethane/peat-nut oil, nitromethane/corn oil, nitromethane/soybean oil and nitromethane/sesame oil. The nature of vegetable oil influences the emulsion stability. Falsification of sesame oil with 10% corn oil or any cheaper vegetable oil decreases significantly the stability of nitromethane/sesame oil emulsion. These results indicate that the method could be used for rapid identification and quality control of vegetable oils.
Full Image Inference Conditionally upon Available Pieces Transmitted into Limited Resources Context  [PDF]
Rodrigue Saoungoumi-Sourpele, Jean Michel Nlong, David Jaurès Fotsa-Mbogne, Jean-Robert Kala Kamdjoug, Laurent Bitjoka
Journal of Signal and Information Processing (JSIP) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/jsip.2021.123003
Abstract: In a context marked by the proliferation of smartphones and multimedia applications, the processing and transmission of images have become a real problem. Image compression is the first approach to address this problem, it nevertheless suffers from its inability to adapt to the dynamics of limited environments, consisting mainly of mobile equipment and wireless networks. In this work, we propose a stochastic model to gradually estimate an image upon information on its pixels that are transmitted progressively. We consider this transmission as a dynamical process, where the sender pushes the data in decreasing significance order. In order to adapt to network conditions and performances, instead of truncating the pixels, we suggest a new method called Fast Reconstruction Method by Kalman Filtering (FRM-KF) consisting of recursive inference of the not yet received layers belonging to a sequence of bitplanes. After empirical analysis, we estimate parameters of our model which is a linear discrete Kalman Filter. We assume the initial law of information to be the uniform distribution on the set [0, 255] corresponding to the range of gray levels. The performances of FRM-KF method
PC-Based Instrumentation System for the Study of Bean Cooking Kinetic
Bitjoka Laurent,Teguia Jean-Blaise,M.F. Mbofung Carl
Journal of Applied Sciences , 2008,
Abstract: The aim of this study was to design and develop an electronic device, which allows the follow up of the complete cooking kinetic of bean and could be used to efficiently measure hard to cock (HTC). A prototype device composed of a modified Mattson bean cooker, interfaced with a computer via displacement sensors and a 4-channel, 8 bits, 1 Hz data acquisition module built around the MIC 640 was achieved. Cooking data obtained with this device shown that the beginning and the end of the cooking period separated a transition region portraying an exponential rise characterized by a time constant, which varies for freshly harvested beans (3 sec) as opposed to that of long stored beans (10 sec). This time constant, identified and measured for the first time, could be used to elaborate an index of the degree of hardening that has taken place in a given sample of beans.
Clotting of cow (Bos taurus) and goat milk (Capra hircus) using calve and kid rennets
DG Libouga, E Ngah, YJ Nono, L Bitjoka
African Journal of Biotechnology , 2008,
Abstract: The ease to locally produce kid rennet contrary to that of calve has led us to compare the proteolytic and clotting activities of these two rennets depending on their action on goat (Capra hircus) milk and cow (Bos taurus) milk. The proteolysis was measured by determining the increase of non-protein nitrogen according to the kjeldalh method and milk coagulation was monitored with the aid of a formagraph. Each rennet hydrolyses more completely the casein of its own specie. With cow milk, the coagulation, same as the curd firmness rate of the gels obtained were practically similar independent on the origin of rennet. With goat milk, the two rennet significantly influenced the coagulation and the curd firmness rate of the gel. It was concluded that contrary to goat milk, cow milk can be coagulated indifferently by calve or kid rennet. The hardening of its gel is independent of the type of rennet.
Best hits of 11110110111: model-free selection and parameter-free sensitivity calculation of spaced seeds
Laurent Noé
- , 2017, DOI: 10.1186/s13015-017-0092-1
Abstract: Spaced seeds, also named gapped q-grams, gapped k-mers, spaced q-grams, have been proven to be more sensitive than contiguous seeds (contiguous q-grams, contiguous k-mers) in nucleic and amino-acid sequences analysis. Initially proposed to detect sequence similarities and to anchor sequence alignments, spaced seeds have more recently been applied in several alignment-free related methods. Unfortunately, spaced seeds need to be initially designed. This task is known to be time-consuming due to the number of spaced seed candidates. Moreover, it can be altered by a set of arbitrary chosen parameters from the probabilistic alignment models used. In this general context, Dominant seeds have been introduced by Mak and Benson (Bioinformatics 25:302–308, 2009) on the Bernoulli model, in order to reduce the number of spaced seed candidates that are further processed in a parameter-free calculation of the sensitivity
Marine Biology: A Sub-Sample of a Vast Topic  [PDF]
Laurent Seuront
Open Journal of Marine Science (OJMS) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/ojms.2013.32A001

Marine Biology: A Sub-Sample of a Vast Topic

Generalized Powers of Substitution with Pre-Function Operators  [PDF]
Laurent Poinsot
Applied Mathematics (AM) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/am.2013.47A004

An operator on formal power series of the form S \"\" μS , where μ is an invertible power series, and σ is a series of the form t+\"\"(t2) is called a unipotent substitution with pre-function. Such operators, denoted by a pair (μ σ )  , form a group. The objective of this contribution is to show that it is possible to define a generalized powers for such operators, as for instance fractional powers \"\"σ for every\"\" .


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